
Pucchi Mucchi Team - The Building Process

The Best Worst Project


Putu in Pita Pavilion

Inspired by "blob architecture", our pavilion, with its' "basket-like" shape, is a result of our attempt to plan and build a structure which would have a natural rounded shape and curves within our rectangular plot.
Compared to architects who design blob structures using 3D softwares, we have decided to achieve our goal by weaving splitted bamboos. Due to their high tendency to bend, throughout the building process we were uncertain regarding the final form of the structure.
Using weaving as our main construction technique, our pavilion no longer had walls or roof, making the whole structure as a one continuous and firm surface.


Buildable Area: 15 sq.m
Orientation : South- West

Building Process

# 1 Foundations

# 2, 3: Placing the PVC pipes & Planting the vertical splitted bamboos

# 4  Pre-Fabricating the arches

# 5,6,7: Creating the skelton & weaving


Perhaps a bad architecture is simply UGLY

It was "landed" in the site regardless of the context

Traditional weaving with non-traditional materials


Rock garden

 Morning Eye Yoga

At Trichy, excited to see how to make dosa

vayal team project

A structure of bamboo and ropes from floor to roof.
We followed a light construction technique, using only bamboo as a structural element.
Based on the sun path we provided shade to our pavilion, we weaved the wall and the roof Using sac bags and rope.
We also provided a bench within our pavilion arising between the columns.
The primary system of columns and beams Contained the secondary system of shading and sitting area.

documents and planing guidelines

Built up area: 15 sq.m
Orientation on site: SE

Examination of the sun path was made in order to plan a shaded structure.
The roof  measurements and a west side wall were designed according to the examination.

Construction process

Joints & details

The main focus was the light construction that required detailed planning in order to achieve a reliable bamboo foundation.

All along its core, the bamboo grows thinner. 
Due to that, we used tow conjoined bamboos in order to create 5 and 5.6 meter long beams with approximately the same diameter on both ends alongside the bamboo.

Beam and column joints

View of the pavilion