Showing posts with label SABA 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SABA 2013. Show all posts


SABA at "Uneven Growth: Tactical Urbanisms for Expanding Megacities", Museum of Modern Art, New York

"In 2030, the world’s population will be a staggering eight billion people. Of these, two-thirds will live in cities. Most will be poor. With limited resources, this uneven growth will be one of the greatest challenges faced by societies across the globe. Over the next years, city authorities, urban planners, designers, economists, and many others will have to join forces to ensure these expanding urban enclaves remain habitable.
Uneven Growth, the latest exhibition in MoMA’s Issues in Contemporary Architecture series (which also includes Foreclosed and Rising Currents), addresses this increasingly inequitable urban development.
In conjunction with the exhibition, this online platform welcomes the public around the world to submit examples of "tactical urbanisms"—temporary, bottom-up interventions that aim to make cities more livable and participatory.
In the scope of the exhibition, six interdisciplinary teams of researchers and practitioners were brought together to examine new architectural possibilities for six megacities: Hong Kong, Istanbul, Lagos, Mumbai, New York City, and Rio de Janeiro. Challenging assumed relationships between formal and informal, bottom-up and top-down urban development, the resulting design scenarios, developed over a 14-month initiative, consider how emergent forms of tactical urbanism can respond to alterations in the nature of public space, housing, mobility, the environment, and other major issues of near-future urbanization." (source:

SABA 2011 Halvad project:

SABA 2013 Hiriya

SABA Summer 2013, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel

SABA 2014 OccupyTLV projects:


HumaNesting by Residue

The weaving

Standing under the shade during presentation

Mission Accomplished. It does provide shade, and for a large amount of people. 

The team. Guy, Shamir, Michelle

Detail of the weaving

Brochure, inside, english

Brochure, outside, english

Days After