
the cardboard waffle

the pieces - watch movie 

 the assembling of the model 

the method of anchoring the building to the ground

images of the model - 1:10

As it can be seen, there is a flexure/bending in the center of the roof due to the behavior of the slender structural element subjected to an external load applied perpendicularly to a longitudinal  axis of the element.
So we tried to figure out how to assemble another piece that might help us reduce the flexure of the roof. We tried out 5 different shapes, andeventually chose one.  

option a

option b

option c

option d

option e - the chosen one 

the site


view from west

view from north

view from south

view from east


1 comment:

  1. watch out the camber: you may decide that you like it or you may decide not to like it.
    there might be other solutions to straighten it - pre-constreint structure or flat arc principle http://www.arthursclipart.org/architecture/architechure/arch%20flat%202.gif


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